Free Materials For Teachers
Image©2013 ABS Screenshot of Sofie's Adventure book cover
Cover Of Sofie's Adventure

Sofie is an adorable young sea lion I met on my visit to the Galapagos Islands. The anchor book for this activity set, Sofie’s Adventure, relates the true story of what happens when Sofie goes exploring all by herself, and her search for her mother once she returns to her home beach.

Photos and movies in the book take the reader close to Sofie, her friends and her mom. There is even a movie of Sofie nursing!

Image©2013 ABS Sea Lion Doing An Underwater Back Flip
Sofie Swims Underwater

Anchor Book: Sofie’s Adventure

The vocabulary is about first or second grade level, but the story and the photos and videos which illustrate it could be enjoyed by all ages.

Sofie does some amazing flips out of the water and then shows off her underwater swimming skills. She has to run away from some older sea lions, but later finds a friend about her size to play with.

When she gets back to her beach, she realizes with dismay that there are hundreds of sea lions who look much like her mother. Uh, oh! Where’s mom?

Image©2013 ABS Two Galapagos Sea Lion Pups At Play
Sofie Plays With Her Friend

Readers get to hear the distinctive cry of a sea lion pup. It sounds much like a sheep! They also learn about sea lion behavior, as Sofie and her mother find each other through sound and scent.

Image©2013 ABS Group Of Galapagos Sea Lions On white sand at the edge of the surf
Cover of Sea Lion Facts

Supporting Book: Sea Lion Facts

After completing this delightful story, readers will be eager to learn more about sea lions in the supporting book, Sea Lion Facts. The vocabulary in this book is slightly higher level but still simple.

Students learn how to distinguish sea lions from seals with exciting close-up photos, and see how both animals move in some excellent short videos. You’ll love the one in which a playful sea lion swims right up to the camera and blows bubbles at you!

Several pages in Sea Lion Facts have “Tell Me More” buttons. These lead to additional information about the comparison of sea lions to seals and sea lion behavior. Students reading at a basic level may decide to skip the extra pages. These supplemental pages are omitted from the My Own Bookshelf® version of Sea Lion Facts.

Image©2013 ABS Sea Lion Walking Up On Four Flippers
Page From Sea Lion Facts In HyperStudio

Comprehension Tests

There are comprehension tests for both of the books. These are part of the main download for Clicker 5® and Clicker 6®, Intellitools Classroom Suite®, and HyperStudio 5®.

There are MicroSoft Word® versions of the tests to support the PowerPoint®, online, and printable versions of the books. The test to use with the My Own Bookshelf version is in Test Me Score Me® format, and requires a copy of that application to run.

Image©2013 ABS Screenshot of Sofie's Adventure test page in Classroom Suite version
Sofie Test In ICS

Details Of Versions In Many Formats

The Classroom Suite version of the activities has been broken into two separate zip files. Download and import first, because it includes an enclosing folder for the activity set. Once it’s installed, open the Sofie Sea Lion folder, and import Sofie, which holds the Sofies’s Adventure book with its many videos.

In addition to the books and tests, the Classroom Suite download includes two errorless puzzles based on photos from Sofie’s Adventure.

Image©2013 ABS Screenshot of page from Sea Lion Facts comprehension test
Sea Lion Facts Test In Clicker

There are custom IntelliKeys® overlays attached, and Dynavox® package versions of the overlays to run the activities from Dynavox AAC devices.

See the Special Needs Access section on the System Reqs page for information on controlling the Classroom Suite version activities from PRC devices.

There are separate Mac and Win downloads for Clicker. The activity set installs as an integrated study unit, with a menu grid linking the four activities. For details on installing and using integrated study units, click here.

The Clicker version optimized for Windows has .wmv movies, and should be used for Clicker 5 and 6 on Windows. The Mac optimized version includes QuickTime® movies, and should be used with Clicker 5 Mac. This version also can be used in Clicker 6 for Mac and Windows, if the CCCP Codec pack has been installed.

Image©2013 ABS Screenshot of puzzle with bleating sea lion
Where's Mom? Puzzle in ICS

Other formats with attached movies are HyperStudio 5, PowerPoint, and the Annie’s Books Online versions. There is a zip file of the online version to download and run in your browser from the desktop, if you find that the online book loads slowly.

Online and desktop books are in HTML5; updated movies and sound play on tablets including iPad®. On iPad, you must click the Play Sound button. (The printable PDF version of the books does not have movies, of course.)

Sea Lion Puzzles

There are four online puzzles with this activity set, two from Sofies’s Adventure and two from Sea Lion Facts. All four puzzles are 20 pieces, with different shapes for each puzzle. Look for links to these after the links to the two online books. Each online puzzle description has a Preview button that displays the puzzle picture for a snack peek!

To use off computer, I’ve made printable versions of these puzzles also. Under Printable Activities, look for a link to download all four printable puzzles in a single PDF booklet. Instructions are included on how to print and mount the puzzles. Use the Preview buttons for the online puzzles to see the printable puzzle images.

Bonus Photo Collection

The Sea Lion Photo Collection has all the photos from Sofies’s Adventure, plus a few extras. I couldn’t include all the photos from Sea Lion Facts, since some of the photos in it are by other photographers. If you want to use those, please consult the references on the Credits page and download them from

Extra Bonus: Online Scrapbook

Sofie is a Galapagos sea lion, and if you’ve been to the west coast of the United States, probably you’ve seen California sea lions. But there are many more sea lion varieties around the world. Some are much bigger than those two types, and all are fun to watch. Use the link in the Online Activities section below to explore More Sea Lions, a collection of videos on starring many varieties of sea lions, plus two kinds of fur seals (a near cousin with external ears), and one true seal for comparison. Check out my post about ARKive to find out how to make an online scrapbook like mine and download wonderful videos and photos.

Applications needed: Acrobat Reader, Clicker 5 or Clicker 6, HyperStudio 5, IntelliTools Classroom Suite, My Own Bookshelf, PowerPoint,Test Me Score Me, MicroSoft Word
Subject areas: Science, Reading.
Level: Grades 1-5.

Online Links-Activities

Annie’s Books Online

Sofie Sea Lion books link: seaLion/index.html Sofie’s Adventure and Sea Lion Facts books to read online. HTML5 format and updated movies and sounds run in modern browsers, including on phones and tablets. On iPad, you must click the Play Sound button. Users of pre-IE9 browsers will be seamlessly switched to the old version online, which uses QuickTime. For details on using Annie’s Books Online, click here.

Desktop version of Sofie Sea Lion books link: Sofie’s Adventure and Sea Lion Facts books to read from the desktop in a web browser. HTML5 format and updated movies and sounds run in modern browsers, including on phones and tablets. On iPad, you must click the Play Sound button. Not for pre-IE9 browsers. For details on using Annie’s Desktop Books, click here.

Online Scrapbook

Scrapbook link: More Sea Lions collection of sea lion and fur seal videos on, and one true seal video for comparison. These videos are not mine, but you can download them for classroom use.

Annie’s Puzzles Online

Sofie And The Big Sea Lions puzzle link: CLICK HERE. Sofie And The Big Sea Lions 20 piece online puzzle. Image is Sofie looking at the big sea lions playing in the surf, from Sofie’s Adventure.

Sea Lions Gardner Bay, Española, Galapagos Islands puzzle link: CLICK HERE. Sea Lions Gardner Bay, Española, Galapagos Islands 20 piece online puzzle. Image is Sofie Sea Lion looking at the hundreds of sea lions that look like her mom, from Sofie’s Adventure.

Cavorting Sea Lion puzzle link: CLICK HERE. Cavorting Sea Lion 20 piece online puzzle. Image is a sea lion soaring underwater, from Sea Lion Facts.

Galapagos Sea Lions puzzle link: CLICK HERE. Galapagos Sea Lions 20 piece online puzzle. Image is a group of sea lions posing on the beach, from Sea Lion Facts.


Printable Activities

Sofie’sAdventure.pdf (3.1 MB) Sofie’s Adventure book to print. No movies. Acrobat Reader.

SeaLionFacts.pdf (2.7 MB) Sea Lion Facts book to print. No movies. Acrobat Reader.

SeaLIonPrintablePuzzles.pdf (12.8 MB) Sea Lion Puzzles to print. Four 20 piece puzzle and instructions in a single PDF file. Acrobat Reader, or any app that can open PDF.

MicroSoft Word

Sofie’sAdventureTest.doc (1.4 MB) Sofie’s Adventure Test to print. MicroSoft Word.

SeaLionFactsTest.doc (1.3 MB) Sea Lion Facts Test to print. MicroSoft Word.

Clicker 5 (95.3 MB) Sofie’s Adventure and Sea Lion Facts interactive books and comprehension tests in Clicker 5 MAC. Will run in Clicker 6 with codecs for QuickTime installed. Books have QuickTime movies. (41.6 MB) Sofie’s Adventure and Sea Lion Facts interactive books and comprehension tests in Clicker 5 WIN. Will run in Clicker 6 on both Mac and Win. Books have .wmv (Windows Media Player) movies.

Classroom Suite (64.1 MB) Sea Lion Facts story, two comprehension tests, and two sea lion puzzles in an enclosing folder for Classroom Suite v.3 or later. Download and import this file first! Custom IntelliKeys overlays attached. (73 MB) Sofie’s Adventure story for Classroom Suite v.3 or later. Import this file into the folder of the previous download. Custom IntelliKeys overlay is attached. (937.1 KB) Sofie Sea Lion activity set overlays saved as Dynavox package files. Download includes overlays for two books, two tests, and two puzzles.

HyperStudio 5 (128.9 MB) Sofie’s Adventure and Sea Lion Facts interactive books and comprehension tests in HyperStudio 5. Comprehension tests have three answer choices. Menu stack to open all four stacks.

SoftTouch (73.0 MB) Folders with Sofie’s Adventure and Sea Lion Facts books and attached movies to import into My Own Bookshelf. (28.1 MB) Tests on Sofie’s Adventure and Sea Lion Facts stories with three text answers. Requires Test Me Score Me.


Sofie (81.3 MB) Sofie’s Adventure and Sea Lion Facts interactive books saved as a .ppt files. Movies in the same folder. PowerPoint 2003 or later.

Downloads-Resources (10.1 MB) Collection of JPEG images from Sofie’s Adventure and Sea Lion Facts. To preview the collection, click here.

July 9th, 2013 at 5:16 pm


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