Image©2019 ABS What's Next? in large pale blue Comic Sans, under that

Could you tell someone the story of our treasure hunt? You'd have to remember what happened first, and then what happened next, all the way to the end.

The things that we saw and did are in the list to the left, but they are all mixed up. Find the first thing that happened, and click its button. Then on each page, look through the list again and click one of the buttons to show What's Next!

To get you started, here is a hint about the first button to click : Where did our pirate ship stop?

Image©2019 ABS Treasure chest and map on the beach
This page from one of the Annie's Resource Attic online books is copyright 2019 by Ann Brundige and ann brundige studio. All text, images, sounds, and video clips are copyright 2019 by Ann Brundige and ann brundige studio. For details of this Creative Commons license, see the Terms of Use section of the Annie's Resource Attic web site at