Annie’s Resource Attic by Ann F Brundige is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. All downloads on Annie’s Resource Attic are copyright 2008-2018 by Ann F Brundige and ann brundige studio. This includes individual images and videos, text, and the complete activities and other documents. You may make as many copies as you want and install on unlimited numbers of computers, with the following conditions:

1. You must include the copyright notice, must identify the material as originating from Annie’s Resource Attic, and must include this invitation:
“Explore Annie’s Resource Attic at for free classroom materials”
with each copy of each resource. Activities and documents generally already have this information included as a credits page, except for books running on My Own Bookshelf®, for which you should create a separate Read Me file with this information if you distribute copies.
2. This same information should be included if you post or share modified versions of these resources. In this case, identify the modified version as being based on (original resource name) and include the copyright notice, identification of the material as originating from Annie’s Resource Attic, and the invitation “Explore Annie’s Resource Attic at for free classroom materials.”
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