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Image©2009 ABS Screenshot from Green Frisbee tip
Green Frisbee Frame Animation

This Classroom Suite® activity has a new frame animation, a green spinning frisbee, to use in creating IntelliMation® in your activities.  The animation is contained in a toolbar button.  Instructions on the page explain how to reach into this resource holder document from an activity you’re building, and bring in the green frisbee to use in animation.

It also explains how to save the green frisbee button into your User Library so that you can grab the button from the Picture Library whenever you need it.

Application needed: Classroom Suite
Subject area: Animation, a Teacher tip.
Level: Author.

Downloads-Resources (369.4 KB) Green Frisbee frame animation to use in Classroom Suite v.3 or later.

April 18th, 2009 at 4:31 pm


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