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Image©2009 ABS Screenshot showing cursor on HS icon to left of stack title
Put Cursor on HS Icon

(A Quick Tip from Roger Wagner) Experimenting with what HyperStudio 5® can do is an integral part of using it. But sometimes you try something just too crazy (I once attempted to animate several movies at once, with the movies running!) and it crashes. Or, if you get deeply into a project and work all day, along comes a power dropout and you could lose your work. Saving often is the best plan, but when you’re having fun creating, you hate to break the flow of ideas. Roger gave me a tip on how to make a quick backup while you are working in HS5 on Mac.

Image©2009 ABS Screenshot showing icons of a copy and an alias (shortcut) of a stack on the desktop
Check That You Made A Copy

It’s very simple: First, be sure you have HyperStudio set to show the desktop. If you have it hiding the desktop with a nice backdrop, this trick won’t work. You can set it to show the desktop under Preferences.

Place your cursor on the HyperStudio icon in the title bar of the stack, click down, and Option-drag the icon to the desktop. This gives you a backup copy of the stack you have open. You can rename it so that you can do multiple backups, or just save over it. The important thing is that you have a second copy besides the one you are saving every now and then. (You are saving, aren’t you ?) 🙂

Be careful that you Option-drag, that is, hold down the Option key as you do the drag and drop. Otherwise, you just get an alias (shortcut) of the stack and not a full copy. You can depress the Option key just before you drop the file, if that’s easier.

Image©2009 ABS Screenshot showing icon of an alias (shortcut) of a stack during the drag
Oops! That's An Alias. Don't Drop
Image©2009 ABS Screenshot showing icon of a copy of a stack during the drag
It's A Copy! Okay To Drop

Before dropping the file, look carefully at the file icon that appears where you drag to the desktop. There should be a black straight arrowhead and a green round button with a white “+” next to the file icon. If you see a curved arrow instead, you’ll get an alias instead of a file copy. Press the Option key, and you’ll see it change to the plus button. Then it’s safe to drop.

October 23rd, 2009 at 6:57 pm


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