Free Materials For Teachers

Image©2006 John Sercel Sunset photo adapted from Sercel photo
Photo By John Sercel

For exceptionally lovely nature photos, take a look at a website by John P. Sercel. John has set up an online gallery of images including mountains, water, wildlife, flowers, skyscapes, sunsets, and more. And you can download them free!

I’ve put a link to his page under the Free Stuff links in the sidebar of this page. o find Free Stuff, look at the sidebar and scroll down past the Contact Me button. If you aren’t familiar with the Free Stuff links, you’re missing out on a treat!

Using the site
It’s easy to negotiate this extensive gallery and find what you need. Tabs take you to each section, organized by content, and display up to twelve thumbnails on a page. Click on a thumbnail to display a larger size of the photo. Download by clicking a button at foot of the page when you display any photo at its larger size. There also is a handy Print button. Photos are in JPEG format, and large enough (generally 1440 x 960 pixels) for a full page background in an activity.

Video, Too!
In checking back to the site, I notice that John is starting to add a few videos. These are time lapse recordings of beautiful and serene natural settings. If you take a few minutes to watch one of these, it’s like taking a short vacation, and you’ll feel refreshed for the rest of the day. If you right-click on one of these videos, you can get the URL and embed code to display one of these videos in a web page.”

Terms of use
You can download photos from the site and use them in projects freely, under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike (CC BY-SA 3.0) license. That is, your project must give attribution by including a credit to “JS Nature Photos” and adding a link to wherever possible.

Further, if you use his photos in a project, even if you alter them, you must distribute your work under a similar license. This would preclude commercial use, but there is a contact section on the site if you need to ask for special permission. For more details, check out the site’s About page here.

John sells prints and postcards using high resolution versions of his photos, but has set up this gallery to share his work. It’s most generous of a professional photographer to share samples in this way. Thanks, John! from all the educators who use this site.

Applications needed: Graphics application, most multimedia applications.
Subject areas: Multiple.
Level: Author.

Online Link-Resources

JS Nature Photos link Click Here. Gallery of nature photos by John Sercel. You can download these lower resolution photos free or order higher resolution prints.

April 27th, 2010 at 3:02 pm


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