Just because everything is blooming, I decided to upload a selection of flower photos. You can print these out in a fairly large size to hang up in a classroom.
However, if you plan to use them in an activity or on a web page, you will need to re-size them in a graphics application. For details on how to process digital photos, refer to Pixels and Megapixels, Oh My!
Looks like I tended to photograph either tropical flowers or cactuses. Many of the tropical flowers were photographed in Moody Gardens in Galveston, Texas, but some are from a botanical garden in California.
The cacti and datura were in Arches National Park, Snow Canyon State Park, and my yard, all in southern Utah. The orchids were growing in an orchid farm near Santa Barbara, California. Just to round things out, there are some red poppies and mixed wildflowers from northern Utah.
I hope you enjoy these as much as I did when taking the photos!
Application needed: Multi-use resource.
Subject area: Science.
Level: All Levels.
FlowerPhotoCollection.zip (28.9 MB) Collection of high quality flower photos in JPEG format. To preview the collection, click here.