Making A Pumpkin Pie carries a reader through all the steps in this enjoyable task. The dialog is much like what you would hear if you were helping Grandma with her baking.
This story can be read by students in Grades 1-3 and those in Pre-K with a little help from the read aloud option. Older students with limited reading ability will also enjoy the story.
From sifting the flour through rolling the dough through mixing the filling and pouring it into the pie shell, a combination of close-up photos and short video clips make this a real life experience.

The student is cautioned to take care in putting the pie into the hot oven. Then comes the most difficult step, waiting while the pie is baked. This waiting interval is depicted with a short movie of a kitchen timer that rings when the pie is ready.
The pie is taken out and set to cool. Then finally, at last, comes the big moment: cut a slice and taste the pie! Ahhhh, worth all that preparation! This activity is a fun way to get into the mood for Thanksgiving dinner.

Pumpkin Pie Sequence
Because making a pie is a step by step process, there is a sequencing activity to follow the Making A Pumpkin Pie story. You can download this in several multimedia formats, plus a printable version to use off computer.
Specific Application Notes
The PowerPoint® and PDF versions of Making A Pumpkin Pie do not have movies. Plan to use the printable version of Pumpkin Pie Sequence if you are using the Annie’s Books Online, PowerPoint, My Own Bookshelf® or PDF versions of Making A Pumpkin Pie. The Classroom Suite version of these activities have custom IntelliKeys® overlays attached, and there are Dynavox® versions of the overlays. See the Special Needs Access section on the System Reqs page for information on controlling the Classroom Suite version from PRC devices. You will need QuickTime® installed to see movies in the online version of Making A Pumpkin Pie. See the Annie’s Books Online page for details.
I’ve included a collection of all the photos from Making A Pumpkin Pie for you to download. Some of them could be used in other activities about food and food preparation.

I’ve also posted the timer movie in several formats. You might use this whenever you need a count down or to depict a waiting interval.
There are AVI and QuickTime® versions, plus a version exported for the web. That version is in a subfolder. Use your web browser to open the HTML file in the subfolder for instructions on how to embed this short movie in a web page.
One more bonus: I’ve included my family pumpkin pie recipe on the credits page of Making A Pumpkin Pie !
Application needed: Classroom Suite®, Clicker 5®, HyperStudio 5®, My Own Bookshelf®, PowerPoint®, Acrobat Reader®.
Subject area: Reading, Life Skills, Holidays.
Level: Grades K-3.
Online Links-Activities
Making A Pumpkin Pie link: pumpkinPie/index.html Making A Pumpkin Pie book to read online. Movies require QuickTime, but story can be read without the movies. For details on using Annie’s Books Online, click here.
Desktop version of Making A Pumpkin Pie link: pumpkinPieDesktop.zip Making A Pumpkin Pie activity to read from the desktop using a web browser. Movies require QuickTime. For details on using Annie’s Books Online, click here.
Printable Activities
MakingAPumpkinPie.pdf (3.0 MB) Making A Pumpkin Pie book to print or read onscreen. No movies. Acrobat Reader.
PumpkinPieSequence.pdf (4.1 MB) Pumpkin Pie Sequence activity to print. Cut pages apart and use off-computer. Acrobat Reader.
Clicker 5
PumpkinPieClickMac.zip (31.0 MB) Making A Pumpkin Pie book in Clicker 5 MAC. Has QuickTime movies. Zip file is an integrated study unit and also includes Pumpkin Pie Sequence and a menu grid. For details on installing integrated study units, click here.
PumpkinPieClickWin.zip 17.5 MB) Making A Pumpkin Pie book in Clicker 5 WIN. Has AVI (Indeo compression) movies. Zip file is an integrated study unit and also includes Pumpkin Pie Sequence and a menu grid. For details on installing integrated study units, click here.
Classroom Suite
PumpkinPieSuite.zip (58.8 MB) Pumpkin Pie activities, including Making A Pumpkin Pie book and the Pumpkin Pie Sequence activity, for Classroom Suite v.3 or later. Custom IntelliKeys overlays are attached.
PumpkinPieDynavox.zip (5.9 MB) Pumpkin Pie activities overlays saved as Dynavox package files.
HyperStudio 5
PumpkinPieStacks.zip (52.2 MB) Pumpkin Pie stacks, including Making A Pumpkin Pie book, the Pumpkin Pie Sequence activity, and a menu stack, in HyperStudio 5. Refer to the HyperStudio is Back! page for information about downloading players to run these activities.
MakingAPumpkinPieMBS.zip (35.4 MB) Folder with Making A Pumpkin Pie book and movies to import into My Own Bookshelf.
MakingAPumpkinPie.ppt.zip (2.5 MB) Making A Pumpkin Pie book saved as a .ppt file. No movies. PowerPoint 2003 or later.
TimerMovie.zip 1.4 MB) Timer movie from Making A Pumpkin Pie book in QuickTime, AVI, and web export formats.
PumpkinPiePhotoCollection.zip (2.8 MB) Collection of all the photos from Making A Pumpkin Pie in JPEG format. To preview the collection, click here.