The link at the foot of this page is to Trisha Shears’ index page, and I’ve also added it to the Free Stuff links in the sidebar.
To find Free Stuff, look at the sidebar and scroll down past the Contact Me button. If you aren’t familiar with the Free Stuff links, you’re missing out on a treat.
All Kinds Of Animals
Tricia’s photos are just one of many resources on Wikimedia Commons, but hers is an especially impressive collection! There are links to each category of animals, including big cats, wolves, hippos, rhinos, zebras, primates, antelopes, giraffes, and many more wild animals.
The collection is not limited to mammals, either. There are frogs, turtles, crocodiles, snakes, fish, birds and insects. There are also photos of domestic animals you would find on a farm, plus separate collections for domestic dogs and cats.
Even More Photos
Just in case you need even more photos, she has also included some of dinosaurs (animatronic, from the Saint Louis Zoo), flowers, and some very nice old locomotives. It’s easy to browse the collection, since thumbnails on each category page take you directly to each full size photo.
Terms Of Use
You can use and change up any of these photos, but must include attribution. In this case, that would be the name of the photo, date, and the name of the photographer, Trisha Shears. All that information is on the same page with each photo. The only other restriction is that you must share the work you build using these photos, just as Trisha has shared her work. That means they are not for commercial use.
These photos are high resolution, so you may want to reduce the size for a full-page illustration. The high resolution also means that you can crop out part of the photo and be confident it will look good even as a full page background.
Thanks, Trisha, for making this collection available! I know many of your photos will be put to good use in classrooms.
Application needed: Web browser.
Subject area: Science.
Level: All Levels.
Trisha Shears Photos Index page for a collection of high quality animal and other photos in JPEG format, free for download and use.