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Image©2011 ABS Screenshot from New Kids example animation
New Kids Frame Animations
This IntelliTools Classroom Suite® activity has a toolbar with buttons containing four new frame animations to use in creating IntelliMation® in your activities. Meet Gary, Emily, Todd, and Rita, four detailed walking kids who are eager to see what adventures and learning experiences you can design for them!

Image©2011 ABS Screenshot Of Saving The Toolbar To the User Library
Save The Toolbar For Future Use
First Save The Toolbar
Download and open the New Kids resource holder activity. Experiment with the example animation, then follow step-by-step instructions to save the New Kids toolbar into your User Library.

That way you can retrieve it from the Picture Library whenever you need it. You can save the entire toolbar in one step!  Then any or all of its buttons will be available later.

Image©2011 ABS Description
Adding The Toolbar To An Activity
Retrieve The Toolbar
Further instructions explain how to retrieve the entire toolbar from your User Library and add it to an activity you are building.

Once you have added the toolbar, click any button to insert a figure, and use it in an IntelliMation. Once you have inserted all the kids you need, you can delete the toolbar without affecting your animations.

Extra Tip: If you use the New Button option instead of adding a toolbar, you can add one of the four buttons separately, bringing it directly into any custom toolbar in your activity. You might want to do that to use a single walking figure.

More Frame Animation Tips
The resource activity also has tips on how to get the most out of frame animations. These suggestions apply to the frame animations that ship with Classroom Suite as well as to the New Kids.

Besides tweaking the frame speed, you can flip them horizontally, change the size, and use design layers to make them go behind or in front of other items, even other frame animations!

Application needed: Classroom Suite
Subject area: Animation, a Teacher tip.
Level: Author.

Downloads-Resources (369.4 KB) Toolbar with four frame animations of walking kids to use in Classroom Suite v.3 or later.

April 19th, 2011 at 3:34 am


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