Free Materials For Teachers
Image©2012 ABS Tidbits 4 Teachers is a directory of resources to help teachers include all students in a diverse classroom
Directory Of Teacher Resources

Tidbits 4 Teachers is the work of Dinell Stuckey. She is the author of the Electronic Books Resources List you can download elsewhere on this site, and the mother of Brianna Stuckey, Star Performer. Dinell has put together an extensive directory of links to sites that have resources to help teachers include all children in a diverse classroom.

There are separate sections for sources of materials in Classroom Suite, HyperStudio 5, PowerPoint, Apps, and more. Dinell has done a superb job of organizing and describing these many web sites, so that you can find what you need quickly

The first section of the site, Solutions for Students with Multiple Disabilities in the Core Curriculum, includes the handout from Dinell and ‘Nena’ Mariangeles Murphy-Herd’s presentation at the Kansas Assistive Technology Expo 9-28-12 entitled Solutions for Students with Multiple Disabilities in the Core Curriculum. Dinell set up this site to support that presentation.

In the IntelliTools Classroom Suite section, she has listed sites with videos, handouts, and activities. Whether you are looking for pre-made activities or for lessons in how to use ICS, you’ll find links there to get you started.

I’m particularly happy about the PowerPoint resources on Dinell’s site. PowerPoint is not my strong point, but Dinell has located activities and tips from real PowerPoint wizards.

Under Apps Resources are links to a ton of educational apps, many of them free. There also are many practical suggestions under iPad® accessibility solutions.

Be sure to take a look at Roger Wagner’s site when you come to the HyperStudio 5 section on Tidbits 4 Teachers. That link will take you to a host of tips, plus show you how HyperSDtudio 5 is currently being used in classrooms.

Additional Resources lists more activity sources, assessment resources, and information. Dinell has even included links to documents that will help you set up a wiki site like this one.

Take plenty of time now to explore Tidbits 4 Teachers, and remember to come back again often. Dinell plans to add more resources over time. I’m incredibly pleased to add a link to this valuable site under Info Links. Thanks for all your hard work, Dinell, and for sharing it with us!

Application needed: Web Browser.
Subject area: Classroom Inclusion.
Level: Teacher.

Online Link-Resources

Tidbits 4 Teachers link: Click Here! A site that provides lists of resources to help teachers include all students in a diverse classroom.

October 2nd, 2012 at 9:12 pm


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