If you like the book-style cover on the activities you download from the Attic, here’s a template you can use to make your own, in any color you can imagine!
You can use this template in either PhotoShop® or PhotoShop Elements®. It’s a PhotoShop® (.psd) file with many layers, so it’s a big file, over 13MB. When you get your cover set up, you will save it as a jpg file, not PhotoShop, to avoid a huge file size.
The finished book cover file is 1024 x 768 pixels by default, a good size to use with IntelliTools Classroom Suite®, Clicker 5®, and HyperStudio 5® activities or PowerPoint® presentations. For an application with a smaller page size, just re-size and save the .jpg version of your cover file. Projects made with any of these applications can be printed, and your cover will give your printed book a special touch.
Make It Your Own
You’ll need to add your own cover graphic. You’ll also change the text for the title, author, your web page, and the reading level. Each of these items is on a separate layer in the template. In the tutorial you download from this page along with the template, I’ll describe the layers starting from the top and what you need to do with each layer to customize your book cover.
A Template Of Many Layers

When you open the file, you’ll immediately notice that the Book Cover template has over 20 layers. Don’t be alarmed! The only ones you absolutely must use are the top two, the Graphic layer and the Title layer.
Below that are optional layers you can fill with your name, web page (or perhaps school), and the grade level of your document. Next are some locked layers you won’t have to change at all.
The next ten layers are filters and color choices. By turning on various combinations of these, you can generate just about any color! I think you’ll enjoy playing with this part of the template, flipping the filter and colored book graphics on and off to see the effects.
You can import your finished custom cover as a background into the opening page or slide of your project. The finished cover can be used in most multimedia applications, including Classroom Suite, Clicker 5 or 6, HyperStudio 5, and PowerPoint.
It makes an especially nice cover for a printed book when printed on heavier paper. Turn off all but the cover choice(s) and filters to print the back book cover!
Application needed: Acrobat Reader and PhotoShop or PhotoShop Elements.
Subject area: Tip.
Level: Author level.
BookCoverTemplate.zip (8.3 MB) Book Cover Template PhotoShop file and PDF tutorial to print. Acrobat Reader, PhotoShop or PhotoShop Elements.
Online Link-Tutorial
Book Cover Template Tutorial online Book Cover Template tutorial online, ready to present to groups.