By combining the options available in Paint and Design modes, it’s possible to modify clip art within IntelliTools Classroom Suite®. The techniques in this workshop show you how to customize both images from the Picture Library and clip art you obtain from other sources.
You’ll learn how to save your customized clip art into the Picture Library to use whenever you need it, and how to save student art so that it’s ready to put into any project, even animation!
After completing this workshop, you’ll know how to:
- Modify clip art using the combined tools of Paint and Design modes.
- Copy clip art into a button to save into the Picture Library.
- Prepare a full page picture to save into the Picture Library.
- Create a toolbar of art needed for a specific project.
- Save a toolbar of clip art and backgrounds into the Picture Library.
- Find and insert custom art and toolbars from the Picture Library.
Modifying art in ICS is easy once you are familiar with what you can and cannot do in the two very different modes, Paint and Design. Then to use all these tools effectively, you need a way to move art from Design to Paint mode and back again. The best way to see these possibilities is to work hands-on, so in the workshop you will work through several short examples of changing clip art.
The first project involves stacking various elements and dropping them into the background to form a new image. You start with the red cap from the Picture Library, a clip art image wiith shading. With the help of Colorize and the Shapes and Transform tools, you can change it into a blue cap with a fancy logo on the front and still keep that shading.
When you have finished changing up the red cap, you will learn how to add your modified art to a toolbar button and save the button into the Picture Library.
Project 2 reshapes one of the standard clip art people, Dad 3. With a little painless surgery and some rotation, you can modify this image to raise one arm as if he is waving.
The most complex project is to change a clip art boy into a girl with a cute hair style and a vest with a flower decorarion. This is the only exercise that requires any freehand drawing. Even so, most of the changes you see here were done with the paint bucket and very simple brush strokes!
Project 4 shows you how to combine bits of clip art to form a new image. This is a handy trick when the clip art you have is ALMOST excactly what you need. In this case, you retrieve the customized cap and Dad figure, and reposition and resize the cap to fit, then combine the two into one image.
At this point, you have a toolbar with all your modified art in its buttons. The next step is to learn how to save the entire toolbar into the Picture Library, from which you can later retrieve it to use in building an activity.
In the final project, you pretend to be a student choosing items from a toolbar to create a scene, only this time the toolbar is filled with art you have modified. You also find out how to capture that finished scene and get it into the Picture Library, or into an outside application to save as a file.
At the end of the workshop, you’ll have four new bits of clip art to use in building activities. You’ll also know some powerful and fun new tricks to use in IntelliTools Classroom Suite!
Download the tutorial in PDF format, fire up ICS, and get started working your way through. You also have the option of using the tutorial online, by clicking here. Once you’ve learned these techniques, this would make a great all-day workshop to share with other teachers!
Applications needed:Acrobat Reader, IntelliTools Classroom Suite
Subject area: Tip.
Level: Author.
ModifyClipArtInICS.pdf (3.4 MB) Modify Clip Art In ICS tutorial to print. Acrobat Reader.
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