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Convert Files And More!

Presto! Chango!
With the many different file formats, operating systems, versions, and devices we encounter, it seems like the magic trick we need most often is to convert one into another.

I’ve found a site,, that makes it very easy to convert almost anything. And it’s FREE!

All Kinds Of Conversions
With its well-organized and intuitive interface, you can easily convert documents to many formats (Examples: .pdf to .doc, .docx, and .ppt) and also to Ebook formats. Convert images to most common formats (.jpg, .png, .gif, .tiff, .bmp, and so on) and many not so common, such as .ico, an icon file. The same goes for audio and video: you can convert to a long list of format choices.

You can convert archive formats like .tar.gz and .7z. In addition, you can convert for specific devices such as Android®, iPhone®, Xbox® and Playstation®, and convert for web services such as Twitter®, YouTube®, and Vimeo®.

Image©2019 ABS Screenshot Online-convert home page
Easy-To-Use Interface

Can My File Be Converted?
Okay, but the most important thing is, what formats can it convert FROM? There is a quick search box to check if you can convert from one type to another. You simply enter the current and target file extensions, and click GO.

I tried it, testing if it can deal with PhotoShop® files, and yes, it can convert .psd into .jpg, .ico, and even .pdf! Windows Media Player® to QuickTime®? Or vice versa? Yes, no problem!

I get the impression that Online-Convert can deal with many more file types than those listed on the home page conversion menus. Although there was no mention of .psd files on the front page, not only did the checker tell me it was possible to do the conversions, but it offered a link to a specific converter for that example.

Image©2019 ABS Check to see if your file type can be converted to the target type.
Is Conversion Possible?

Articles About File Conversion
In addition to all these conversion tools, there is a great deal of useful information on this site. A tab along the top of the page labeled File Formats leads to a lengthy file format overview and and exhaustive list of types. Clicking the link on any specific file type leads to more detailed information about it.

Another tab opens a blog with a wealth of helpful complete articles. These are arranged under tabs for:

  • Video file conversion
  • Audio file conversion
  • Document file conversion
  • Image file conversion
  • eBook file conversion
  • Mobile file conversion

There is also an article discussing how to use their File Conversion API.

Use Is Free
Using the converters is free, and you don’t even have to set up a membership. They do have paid premium subscriptions, but probably their free service is more than adequate! For free, the limit in size for a single file to be converted is 100 MB. You can select 10 files and convert them all at once using any one of the converters, or do 4 separate different conversions at one time.

Safe To Use?
I’ve become ever more wary of websites, especially ones where I upload my files. I have an extension in Firefox that scans for viruses, and this site seems clean, although some of the files people converted and then downloaded had them. It’s a German site (though the blog seems to be in France), but in spite of the distance the conversion time for short audio files was virtually instantaneous. They must have plenty of bandwidth!

Their policy is to delete what you upload after 24 hrs or 10 downloads, but there also is an option to delete your upload right away when you download. That seems like a good precaution, and insures that your files won’t wander around the internet.

I Like This Site!
I used several years back just for a few audio files, so I was amazed at how many new conversion tools they have added. They seem eager to add even more, and invite feedback and requests for specific conversions. The extensive FAQ section and the contact address were both easy to find, and you can even change the site language easily. I’m really impressed with this site, and expect to use it often.

Applications needed: Any modern web browser.
Subject area: Technical.
Level: Author.

Online Links-Resources and Information

Online-Convert link Click Here. Free file conversion website. Choose a conversion type, enter the starting and target file extensions, upload your file, convert, and download the converted file.

Online-Convert File Types Chart link Click Here. Extensive list of file extensions and short descriptions, more detailed information by clicking each list entry. Look under tab File Formats.

Online-Convert blog link Click Here. Blog has short articles organized into topics accessed by tabs on:

  • Video file conversion
  • Audio file conversion
  • Document file conversion
  • Image file conversion
  • eBook file conversion
  • Mobile file conversion
May 24th, 2019 at 1:33 am


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