Free Materials For Teachers
Image©2019 ABS Rainbow-hued geometric design of superimposed polygons behind a stylized printer.
Everything Printable...And FREE!

If a printer can print it, it’s on one of the sites by Savetz Publishing. I stumbled upon this mother lode of printable resources while seeking information about dominoes, to help me in making the Animals Picture Dominoes set. I was astounded by extensive collection of free downloads on their printable games site, but that’s only a tiny fraction of all their downloadables. Savetz maintains an incredibly long list of printables sites.

The first link on this page, which I’ll also add to the sidebar, is an index page to all their sites. All items are in PDF format. Just download, open in a PDF app such as Acrobat Reader® or Preview®, and print! Any single item is free, or you can purchase the entire collection on each site for a nominal price.

Image©2019 ABS Two outline drawings of cartoon giraffes, one atop the other, with some elements missing in one picture, and Find The Difference headline.
Find The Difference Coloring Sheet

A Few Of The Printables Sites

Printable games? They have board games, card games, domino games, and pencil games; both rules and the game pieces and/or boards.

Coloring sheets? There are thousands of these, both entire scenes and full-page objects, organized by subject. There also are sets of dot-to dot pictures that might be colored once the outline is drawn.

Image©2019 ABS Screenshot from Flash Card Maker on
Flash Card Maker

Flash Cards? They had 324 sets when I looked, and are continually adding new sets. These cover many categories, including math problems, Braille, state flags, and science questions, to name a few. There’s also an online Flash Card Maker, to make your own custom flash card set. Just choose either four or six flash cards per page, enter your questions and answers, submit, and download.

Mazes? This one, appropriately, takes a bit of effort to locate. Click the first item on the index page, Free Printables, and scroll down about halfway to the Mazes link. There were 480 free mazes when I checked the site.

Printable Paper? Here you’ll find every imaginable type of graph paper, including grids for knitting and needlepoint. Especially handy if you only need one sheet! There also are lined papers of all types and colors, music paper, columnar paper, and lots more.

Image©2019 ABS Download page for the most popular printable flags.
15 Of 360 Printable Flags

There is a separate printables site for teachers, with forms such as attendance charts, grade book paper, test templates, reference charts and posters, even bathroom passes! This link is also on the Free Printables sub-index page.

That’s just the beginning. There are sites for greeting cards, gift tags, recipe cards, cash receipts, chore lists, and over a dozen letter templates. There are calendars, grocery lists, family tree templates, stationery, play money, business cards, letters to Santa, and even Tooth Fairy letters. There is an entire site full of instant worksheets for all parts of the curriculum.

Image©2019 ABS Topical map of the Roman Empire with the empire colored red.
Roman Empire Map

There also are reference printables, such as flags (360 of them, both in color and outline), the U. S. Constitution, maps, the Periodic Table, airport codes, and many, many, many more. I think they’ve added sites over many years, because the sites on the index page are pretty much in random order.

Terms Of Use

I had a difficult time locating their Terms Of Use. It’s a link in VERY fine print next to each download button, and the information that pops up seems to be the same for all items on all their sites. It clearly states that you can modify items, but there is a restriction on distributing and on posting these electronically.

Image©2019 ABS Description
Check The Terms Of Use

Of course, many of the printable games are standard ones that aren’t original to Savetz Publishing. Probably it would be okay to use their printables in a multimedia program like Classroom Suite, Clicker, or HyperStudio in a classroom, but if in doubt, contact Savetz and ask. I’m putting a link to their contact form on this page, along with the link to their index page.

Besides a link to the main index page, here are links to SOME of the sites – the ones I think you’ll use the most. Take a few minutes to browse this amazing set of resource sites!

Applications needed: Acrobat Reader, web browse.
Subject area: Resources, Multiple.
Level: All Grades and Teacher.

Online Link-Resources

Savetz Publishing link: Click Here. Home page for Savetz Publishing that serves as an index page to most of their sites delivering free printables. The first link on this page, Free Printables, is a sub-index page and may have links to more of their sites.

Savetz Publishing Contact Us link: Click Here. Contact form used by all the Savetz websites. Here’s where you can ask if you have any questions about using their printables.

Specific Types Of PrintablesSites
Teachers’ Printables link: Click Here. Mostly forms such as attendance sheets, gradebooks, hall passes, etc. useful to teachers.

Printable Coloring Pages link: Click Here. Vast collection of free coloring sheets, with both large single images and more complex pictures with multiple elements. Good selection of Find The Difference worksheets.

Printable Flash Cards link: Click Here. Well-organized sets of printable flash cards on all subjects. Use Flash Card Maker to create custom sets.

Printable Maps link: Click Here. The domain says world maps, but this site really has all kinds of maps, including maps of countries, continents, world maps, states, counties, and topical maps.Maps come with and without labels, and colored in or outlines.

Printable Paper link: Click Here. Graph paper, lined paper, financial paper, music paper, and more. Note that there are separate sites for things like stationery and letterhead templates.

Printable Mazes link: Click Here. Everything from simple mazes for young children, to hard mazes for more accomplished problem-solvers, to difficult mazes for truly brave (or maybe crazy!) puzzle solvers.

Printable Games link: Click Here. The domain says printable board games, but this site really has all types of games, including card games, dominoes, mahjong, Chinese checkers, dice games, and patterns for 4-,6-,8-,and 10-sided dice.

October 24th, 2019 at 8:01 pm


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