Little Toot is a charming story about a real boat, a water taxi that operates in the Santa Barbara, California harbor. But you’ve never seen a boat with a personality like Little Toot! For a quick preview, click the link at the foot of the page to look at the Annie’s Books Online version.
Readers are invited to get on board for a ride, with Little Toot pointing out everything along the way. There is much to see, made more vivid by movies of sailboats, sea lions, pelicans, and a an exciting rescue of a sinking inflatable raft by the Harbor patrol.
Drive The Boat
Better yet, the reader drives the boat and has a chance to toot the whistle at any time throughout the trip. The vocabulary is about first grade level, but younger students will enjoy hearing the story read aloud (via a Speak Text button) and the sights during the ride will interest older students as well.
For an introduction to Little Toot, click a link on this page just above the Downloads section to read the online version, complete with the movies. This version has been extensively revised in 2020, with added movies, richer colors and sounds, and audible text; plus a second online activity, What’s Next?, to assess recall of the story.
Many Formats
There is an online version of Little Toot, and downloadable versions for Clicker 5®, HyperStudio 5®, My Own Bookshelf®, PowerPoint®, and IntelliTools Classroom Suite®. There is also a PDF version to use onscreen or to print, but it does not include movies.
The Classroom Suite version includes both the book and test in one file, and has custom IntelliKeys® overlays attached. There is a Dynavox® version of both overlays. See the Special Needs Access section on the System Reqs page for information on controlling the Classroom Suite version from PRC devices.
Refer to the HyperStudio is Back! page for information about downloading players to run the HS5 version of this activity. Check the Help page for information about players for My Own Bookshelf and PowerPoint.
The Clicker 5 versions of Little Toot include the book and test as an integrated study unit with a menu grid. For details on integrated study units, click here. Because of the many movies, there are separate optimized versions for Clicker 5 for Mac and Win.
Comprehension Test
There is a test in Test Me Score Me® format to use with the My Own Bookshelf version. There are printable tests in PDF and Microsoft Word® formats to use after reading the book online, reading the PDF version, or reading it in PowerPoint.
You can download jigsaw puzzles in three formats that feature Little Toot. There is a HyperStudio 5 puzzle with draggable pieces, a Classroom Suite puzzle, and a PDF puzzle to mount on a backing and cut apart. The Classroom Suite puzzle is cause and effect, and lets the user choose the pieces in any order to remove them and reveal the puzzle. There is also a link to an ONLINE Little Toot jigsaw puzzle under the Online Links-Activities section below, with a Preview button to give you a sneak peek.
You’ll find the links to download the PDF puzzle and the HyperStudio 5 puzzle from this page in the downloads section for those applications as separate files. The Classroom Suite puzzle is included in the same zip file with the book and test.
Applications needed: Classroom Suite, Clicker 5, HyperStudio 5, My Own Bookshelf, Test Me Score Me, PowerPoint, Acrobat Reader, Microsoft Word, QuickTime
Subject area: Reading.
Level: Grades 1-3
Online Links-Activities
Little Toot link: toot/index.html Little Toot book and What’s Next? sequencing activity to read online. so sounds play on all devices, including iPad! Book now has audible text. Pre-IE9 legacy versions also online. For details on using Annie’s Books Online, click here.
Desktop version of Little Toot link: tootDesktop.zip Little Toot book and What’s Next? sequencing activity to read from the desktop using a web browser. so sounds play on all devices, including iPad! Book now has audible text. For details on using Annie’s Books Online, click here.
Online Little Toot Puzzle link: Click Here . Description: Puzzle made from a photo of the Little Toot boat hosted on the Jigsaw Planet web site. Give this a little time to load. For details on using Annie’s Puzzles Online, click here.
Printable Activities
littleToot.pdf (7.8 MB) Little Toot book to print or read onscreen. No movies. Acrobat Reader.
LittleTootPrintPuzzle.zip (2.5 MB) Little Toot puzzle to print and complete and instructions. For off-computer use. Acrobat Reader.
TootComprehensionTest.pdf (1.1 MB) Little Toot comprehension test in PDF format to print or work onscreen. Acrobat Reader.
TootComprehension.doc.zip (1.4 MB) Little Toot comprehension test in Word format to print. Microsoft Word.
2020TeacherMaterials.zip (5 KB) Little Toot script, What’s Next? script, and test questions and key. Any text reader.
Clicker 5
LittleTootClickMac.zip (48.7 MB) Little Toot interactive book and comprehension test study unit in Clicker 5 MAC. Has QuickTime movies.
LittleTootClickWin.zip (43.2 MB) Little Toot interactive book and comprehension test study unit in Clicker 5 WIN. Has AVI (Indeo compression) movies.
Classroom Suite
LittleTootSuite.zip (64.1 MB) Zip file includes Little Toot interactive book, Little Toot puzzle, and comprehension test to import into Classroom Suite v.3 or later. Custom IntelliKeys overlays attached.
LittleTootDynavox.zip 614 KB) Little Toot book, puzzle, and test overlays saved as Dynavox package files.
HyperStudio 5
LittleToot.stack (1.1 MB) Little Toot interactive book in HyperStudio 5
LittleTootComprehension.stack (2.8 MB) Comprehension multiple choice test on Little Toot for HyperStudio 5.
TootPuzzle.stack (2.8 MB) Little Toot puzzle for HyperStudio 5.
LittleTootMBS.zip (50.3 MB) folders with Little Toot book and movies to import into My Own Bookshelf.
LittleTootTestTMSM.zip (4.3 MB) Test on Little Toot story using clip art for answers. Requires Test Me Score Me.
LittleTootPPT.zip (58.3 MB) Little Toot interactive book saved as a .ppt file. decompress file into final location so that ppt file and movies folders links hold. PowerPoint 2003 or later.